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【学术会议】The 2nd International Conference on Biomathematical Modelling and Stochastic Analysis
时间:2019年10月22日 12:24  来源:淮师新闻网  作者:朱守丽  点击:

时间:10月31日-11月3日,Oct. 31, 2019—Nov. 3, 2019, Huaian



School of Mathematics and Statistics, Huaiyin Normal University

Huaian Key Laboratory for Infectious Diseases Control and Prevention

Center of Biomathematics, Huaiyin Normal University

Financial support

Huaiyin Normal University

Huaian Key Laboratory for Infectious Diseases Control and Prevention

National Natural Science Foundation of China

Organizing Committee

Chuanzhi Bai, Song Guo, Weiming Wang(HNU), Weiguo Gao Zhihang Peng (NMU),

Hongbo Shi, Qingpei Zang, Meng Liu, Shouli Zhu, Yongli Cai and Bin Yang (HNU)

Conference Venue

The conference will be held in Shuguang Hotel.

Conference Schedule

Oct. 31 (Thursday): Arrival Day and Registration from 10:00 in Shuguang Hotel

Nov. 01 (Friday): Full day of meeting in Shuguang Hotel; Group photo

Nov. 02 (Saturday): Full day of meeting in Shuguang Hotel

Nov. 03 (Sunday): Departure Day

Invited Speakers

Xuerong Mao, University of Strathclyde, UK

Huaiping Zhu, York University, Canada

Daihai He, Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Shi Zhao, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Hao Ge, Beijing University

Jinzhi Lei, Qinghua University

Zhenqing Li, The Chinese Academy of Sciences

Hongjie Yu, Fudan University

Zhenxin Liu, Dalian University of Technolog

Dongzhuo Zhou, Shanghai Jiaotong University

Sanyi Tang, Shaanxi Normal University

Wendi Wang, Southwest University

Shuguan Ji, Northeast Normal University

Fuke Wu, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Yong Xu, Northwestern Polytechnical University

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